Stadiums & Shrines
Search results for "rxry"

The idea initially was to recruit a few meditative sounds and sequence them into auditory motion. Then it swelled into eleven videos, taking that notion of motion more literally. We (Tyler of Flashlight tag and S&S) saw an opportunity here not only to showcase some of our favorite musicians, but to highlight a growing number of talented visual artists; specifically those in the Vimeo community crafting outside traditional music video means. To our humble delight, each of the selected visionaries accepted the invitation as well as their assigned song (playing matchmaker was quite fun). The downloadable portion lives at Flashlight Tag, a limited run of 20 cassettes is being made possible by Orchid Tapes, and the video playlist follows all credits (link exploration encouraged), below.

01. Ricky Eat Acid – “Strawberries” (envisioned by BriAnna Olson)
02. Phantom Power – “I Don’t Get You” (envisioned by LAND O’ GOSHEN)
03. KYNAN – “Get Lost” (envisioned by The Tearist)
04. Cemeteries – “Home” (envisioned by Stephanie Cafarella)
05. Monster Rally – “Color Sky” (envisioned by Nathaniel Whitcomb)
06. It is rain in my face – “Fell Around” (envisioned by Wooden Lens)
07. Lizard Kisses – “Waywards” (envisioned by Dino Rossi)
08. Ra Cailum – “Asbel” (envisioned by Panaframe)
09. RxRy – “Strm Conjurr” (envisioned by RxRy)
10. Swartz – “Prayer for My City” (envisioned by Swartz)
11. Foxes in Fiction – “School Night” (envisioned by Jamie Harley)

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RxRy | L.3_Glacious

Glacious belongs to L, which resides in Alpha, a complete and approaching release. This massive particle arrangement will be worth the wait, and hopefully can spread over some wax one day.
RxRy‘s self portrait hangs above, and words, below:

in a space between two points of light
a swarm of dust ripples waves
on the open jaws of the evening

yawn like rain clouds parting slowly
across the entombed face of geography
frozen in ice that was Mesozoic vapors

galactic gyre of fractured meteoric tail
across the tender arc of the glass dome
the soft curve of the sky’s one skull

suspended in dry air over opaque ranges
the flux of tide’s shallowest breath
spinning sand and bones in spiracles

harbingers of stasis and furled feathers
as slow as the sun forgetting favor
or diamonds flowing cold in the brook.

space clouds tail dry feathers

dust geography glass tide’s favor

jaws ice skull spiracle diamonds

tail feathers
glass favor
skull diamonds

clouds dry
geography tides
ice spiracle




These are the 15 albums I lived in. Each was distinct and at times, in a somewhat new dynamic this year, a breather from the daily gem mining that leads to much of our content. This is an LPs only list, and a “personal favorites” one at that (not to be confused with what is “best”). S&S generally celebrates the future seen in a track or EP (and loves doing it), but here is that annual chance to presently appreciate those who transported me using the sacred art of the album.

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It seems every few months RxRY takes over controls here with a new transmission from his constant, mechanical galaxy. This one coded over just in time for a Monday morning:

I have been steady at work on this new album “Ω”
drinking red wine
and staying a float.

here are 3 songs
2 of them will be on “Ω”

tempranillo butterflies
and overcast autumn skies’ lining


RxRy | Aertigo Lapsees

As spelled out on above art, two more brief thoughts complete the bundle, obtainable from his blog.