Dreams of Algeria with Ricky Eat Acid

Filling every cast of the veranda, bending every branch toward a smile, her voice greets the entrance of night. The drapes luff…
…the winding, narrow-terraced streets of Alger la Blanche idle beyond the window, a muted bloom. If not for this curtain’s dancing, that exquisite hum tracing the hillside, he thought, we’d be adrift in the middle of the Mediterranean.
And with another lapse of heavy lids: they are an island, untucked, reclining at sea… until the dawn converges.
Ricky Eat Acid is the one and only Sam Ray. The piece above will soon join 14 others as Three Love Songs, Sam’s first release as Ricky Eat Acid since 2011’s excellent Seeing Little Ghosts Everywhere.
So I Will Not Fall Deep Into The Earth
It appears, based on this nocturnal battle cry (in the great pop gravity wars), that Ricky Eat Acid is not coming down, at least not for these nine minutes; he’d rather free-float in the darkness of nothing, as if still holding those balloons first seen over a year ago, now well past the atmosphere, on a slow, dial-toned course, further away:
Ricky Eat Acid | So I Will Not Fall Deep Into The Earth
Sam posted the track to bandcamp in the wee hours of last night, complete with handmade artwork and a space-punk manifesto.
Sometimes We’re Blue
Continuing on a weekend dream, this one less defined. It’s 3 o’clock, the sun is retreating already. The city, backlit and blue. The sound, just right.
Ricky Eat Acid | I Found Your Flower Crown
Ricky Eat Acid | Kyle
Sometimes We’re Blue, Sam’s bandcamp.