Four worlds expand over separate easels and outwards, selectively intertwined by the unknown—this constant, revolving sense of consideration.
A manor constructed over a reservoir, its residents accept life at an aqueous tilt. Two tribes peel Mount Victoria from the water’s edge, its range perpetually snow-capped, sapphire blues overlap. Badlands collapse into boreal forest and back again; horses gallop above the timberline; a man repels through time, reading the eons, meter by meter.
Eyes between canvas and cliff, she watches him, wondering what other accents of hers might appear and which may fade. Like the seasons, but more sporadic, she thought, like emotions.
Cemeteries is Kyle J. Reigle, whose debut album was one of our favorites of 2012. Foxes in Fiction is Warren Hildebrand, whose debut album was one of our favorites of 2010. Kyle has a release due out later this month under the side project Camp Counselors on his own Snowbeast Records. Warren has a release in the works as well as a showcase in Brooklyn this Saturday for his own Orchid Tapes. Busy, beautiful people.