Still beaming after a run of shows in Japan celebrating the release of Catch A Blessing on Geographic North, our own Matthew Sage circuit-bends Episode 68:
“This past March I traveled to Japan for the first time. It was something else. This mix features music by Japanese artists (prominently featuring some records I got at Meditations in Kyoto [the first international supporter of Patient Sounds])…it also features other sounds that feel how Japan felt on my trip there. Lots of excerpts from travelogue style musicology documents, field recording archivists, and ambient new age treasures. Lots of cross fading, overlapping, and palimpsestic blurring happening here too. Surreal is a word, but Kansai and Kanto are places.
“Consider this mix an impression, a story; fresh fine tuna, smoke filled basement clubs in Koenji playing obscure outsound over juiced PA systems, sakura girls taking cherry colored selfies on the palace grounds, ice cold asahi and seafood salad, passing cash with two hands at the neon 7-11 adjacent to the ancient shinto shrine, vertical life in a fabricated bamboo forest, matcha from a clay cup in the arcade quarter. It was all lovely and it was all disorienting. Here is a little stream on Nihon time, wabi sabi wandering in a circuit garden.”
Excerpt from ギター民謡をあなたに/津軽じょんから節 (Tsugaru Jon to the guitar folk song)
Excerpts from 日本野鳥大全集(1)野鳥の生活 (Japan Wild Birds Complete Works (1) Life of Wild Birds)
Samuel Baron – Excerpts from Music for Flute and Tape
Music of the Mountain Provinces Recorded by David Stifler – Plucked Bamboo Zither
Sosena Gebre Eyesus – “ባየነውም ጊዜ – Bayenewem Gize”
Excerpt from Music for the Guardhouse by Lieven Martens Moana
Manik Varma – Raga Bihagda (Mandirwa Aye Nahin Pritam)
Takashi Kokubo – A Dream Out to Sea – Scene 3
Haruomi Hosono – Original BGM
Excerpts from Edward Norbeck’s Folkways Library: Folk music of Japan
Excerpts from Fanafody: Recordings from Madagasikara
Excerpts from Dreams of India & China by Rip Hayman
Tomita – Venus, Bringer of Peace
Foodman – Uoxtu
Excerpts from 日本野鳥大全集(1)野鳥の生活 (Japan Wild Birds Complete Works (1) Life of Wild Birds)
Excerpt from ギター民謡をあなたに/津軽じょんから節 (From the Tsugaru Jon to the guitar folk song)
Melodia – The Rise of Early Morning
Excerpts from Edward Norbeck’s Folkways Library: Folk music of Japan
S&S Radio broadcasts every now and then on Newtown Radio.