One of the more potent listening modes as of late here in the mothership is Holodeck Scenario, a hybrid of free electronics and jazz arranged by M. Sage, optimized for playback in Star Trek: The Next Generation‘s beloved virtual reality facility. Last week, the sequence received a proper sequel, transmitted over the airwaves of Newtown Radio and hopefully well beyond, to the cocktail lounges of another dimension. Holodeck Upgrade, which opens Episode 42, is a gift we’ll accept on behalf of Quark’s Bar, Grill, Gaming House and Holosuite Arcade, a popular hangout in Deep Space 9‘s Promenade. The tracklist must not have made it through the Transporter, but the set runs as follows:
Hour One – Holodeck Upgrade
Hour Two – Holodeck Scenario
S&S Radio broadcasts every other Tuesday night on Newtown Radio.