The land rustles outward…
A village/choir. Just as it was built. Singing full of celtic surf and gales. Whistles catching in the bellows and crags: geologic, monolithic embouchures eroded slightly off their perfect pitches. Stones carved to their climbing octaves, melodies transported up the face of the mountain.
A pressure system pulling currents through the doric gills of the hillside. Breathing a hill hymn full of breath and mist. As one vessel halts, another skiffs, a cycle, a harmonizing ensemble winnowed from the briny air. A cloud-shaped cypher.
The sea replies with sighs…
S shhhhh/shhhh. Shhh sh sh shh shhhh. Shhhhhh shhh sh shhhhh shhh shh shhhh. Shhhhhhh shhhhhh sh shh shhhhhh shh shhhh: shhhhhhh, shhhhhhhhh shhhhhhhhhh shhhhh shhhhhhh shh shhhh shhhhhh shhhhhh. Shhhhh shhhhh sh shhhh shhhhhhh shhhhhh, shhhhhhh shhhhhhhhhh sh shh shhh sh shh shhhhhhh.
S shhhhhhh shhhhh shhhhhh shhhhhhh shhhhhh shh shhhh shhhh sh shh shhhhhhh. Shhhhhhhh s shhh shhh shhh sh shhhhh shh shhh. Sh shh shhhhh shhhh, shhhhhh shhhhh, s shhhh, s shhhhhhhhhh shhhhhhh shhhhhhh shhh shh shhhh shh. S shhhh-shhhhh shhhhh.
Daniel Klag is a New York-based sound artist. His new tape, Devotional, arrives soon on Patient Sounds.
Dreams is an ongoing project where we ask our favorite artists to create a piece of music inspired by a handmade collage.