A wall enters, pillowing the horizon, flanking the foothills, inching towards the city. A ruffle of sea. The frequency is heard at first, a distant chug. Felt second as a misting, wooly, the marble marketplace coated and vibrating. Alarm catches the exterior, vendors awaken in succession… the auctioneer carries on inside, bidders still locked in squabble…
…(indiscernible chatter and horns)…
“Sold! to the…”
A gavel raised: the serene swell—so attentive—slides beneath, just as it wraps around each column and body through the ruby corridors, to the ballroom… every cordial, snifter and champagne flute freezes in the inhale of the ascending squall…
…(something about the sea curling from its bed)… and hovers, drawn back at full amplitude.
Longshoreman is Brooklyn-based musician Aaron Hodges (formerly of Holy Spirits). His self-titled 2015 album—a beautiful, devotional folk-drone exploration of darkness and hope (in a more song/vocal-oriented sphere)—is available on 12″ LP at bandcamp.
Dreams is an ongoing project where we ask our favorite artists to create a piece of music inspired by a handmade collage.