Sweet Nelita emerges, entering the harbor, the docks trembling beneath the domes of stationary clouds. A foreign feature upon Lisbon’s bay, the figurine, the stoic tiger, the papery pearl aloft the Atlantic.
Great shakes continue to oscillate the hills. Dust and debris, seismic circles surround Rossio Square. A city, quaking, radiant, since its first stone was laid.
Pedestrians look on from their trodden and tremulous promenade, nearly slipping into the sea.
Behind Nelita, amidst the lightly tossing tidal blue, a glassy wake trails aft, muted, as dormant as the tiger’s treasure.
Through the arched opening, dazzling from the grasps of the unwavering masts, this strange and sober payload emanates: a new stillness, imported.
Sea Oleena is Montreal-based artist Charlotte Loseth. Her stunning album Shallow is out September 30th through Lefse Records.
Dreams is an ongoing project where we ask our favorite artists to create a piece of music inspired by a handmade collage.